Jack and Jyll

Jack and Jyll

Friday, August 20, 2010


My name is Erika. I am a mother of 2 adorable children. My oldest Jyll just turned 4 on Tuesday. Jack my youngest was born on Tuesday August 10th. This makes my children a week shy of being exactly 4 years apart. During my pregnancy my biggest fear was having them on the same day.

I decided to start a blog about my life with Jack and Jyll recently. I wasn't sure of where to go with this blog. I have decided to do things a little bit differently with Jack then I did with Jyll. For starters I decided to cloth diaper Jack. This is becoming quite the experience. I made all of my diapers except for my pre-folds that I have just started to use and love. I'm trying to become more "green" with our lives but not to the extent of being "crunchy". I will blog about what I found for definitions on these terms at a later date. You will probably find a lot of posts about a green thing I did for the day/week. A lot of posts about the trials and tribulations of cloth diapering and breastfeeding and so on. 

As for My Jyll.... with her I could write a whole new blog just about her. She is very intelligent, artsy, opinionated, I don't think I could come up with enough words to describe her. She is also very strong willed and we have had our own trials and tribulations with discipline. She thinks that she is the boss and has trouble taking orders from me. There will be many posts about Jyll and all of  her accomplishments and also her various issues with authority and life. 

There may also be random posts about me and my crafts. I am also a pastry chef. So be prepared  for some posts about desserts. Mostly kid friendly desserts or things you can make with children. I have just started making things with Jyll. Because of my food background I don't have the tolerance for a young child and baking. I watch my mother and aunt do things with their grandchildren and it looks so effortless. Watching them has made me decide to try again with Jyll.

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